A downloadable game for Windows

This is Team Buzz Lightyear's submission for the November 2023 Spartasoft Game Jam.

In this game, you control the Hope spirit as you seek out the evils that have escaped from Pandora’s Box. Each evil has a challenge guarding it. The goal is to obtain all evils and bring them back to the container in the center of the map. However, each evil will impose on you a negative effect while you are carrying it. There are also enemies you may need to face as part of these challenges. You will be healed to full health every time you deposit an evil into the container.

  • WASD: Move around the world
  • Mouse: Aim your character
  • Left Click: Melee attack in the aimed direction, choose dialogue options
  • E: Open dialogue menus
  • Q: Open status effect descriptions


The Game 40 MB